Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hey Asshole! Here's What I Think About Stuff.

Hi there, Asshole.

How's yer asshole?

Sometime ol Wacky Macky gets to thinking about stuff, and I tell it on here so you get you some wisdom in yer noggin. I've been around enough to know stuff and here's what I think about it. If you don't agree with Wacky Macky, yer an asshole. Ain't that right, poppa gerbil? He says yes it's right. Four days now with no sleep. I think you die shortly after that.

Ol Wacky Macky's Stuff List of Wisdom

Water: Plenty of it. No cause for concern. Can not go into outer space.

Dogs as Pets: Don't kill 'em. They ain't no fun after that and what are you gonna do then? Nothing but smell a rotting dog cause I'm too lazy to throw that fucker outta here.

Women: She'd get the dog outta here and cook for me and slurp on my fun part. That's what they're good for. If only God would fix all women's mouthes the way mine are, they'd stop talking so much when you're going in the back way. You know what I'm talking about here.

Fags: Don't want 'em in my house, mouth, or back door. Nothing that pees goes in my mouth except for my pee, 'cause you could drink that if for some reason there weren't no water, and there's plenty of water, so I do. No parts in my mouth that pee. I'm sticking to good old American pussy.

Teeth: If you got one in the middle of your mouth roof, don't pull that somabitch outta' there. You're in for a world of hurt.

Guns: My God given right! I can legally shoot any body from the Government coming in to my house trying to steal my smokable back medicine. Get off my land! That's a promise.

Glue Sniffin: All for it!

Drinking of All Kinds: Anything with a little alcohol in it, I figure it's medicine to keep me from going off the deep end and taking my gun here and going into the world to kill every fucking living breathing thing out there that ticks me off, startin' with midgets. I hate those little fuckers.

So now you learn you something from what I done wrote above, and you'll be a better man no matter what the fuck you are.

Ooo! Lookie here! Them giant gerbils are fucking each other. I'm gonna' get a piece of this.

-- Wacky Macky

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